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About Don

Some time ago... quite a long time ago...  Don graduated with a diploma in Marketing.  After great success in the marketing industry Don picked up his first camera.  That event changed the rest of his life.  After photographing everything from machines to millionaires, Don could honestly say that "this was fun!"  As digital cameras become more common, an opportunity came about to pick up another camera.  This camera was different however - it shot pictures at 24 frames per second.  Now if that rings a bell somehow you'd know that this isn't just another camera.  This camera opened up a whole new world.  Yup, moving pictures!


As you can see from the images on this site, Don is still having a whole lot of fun!  After all, if you're not having fun at what you're doing... maybe it's time to do something else!

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Don Hammond is a commercial photographer and videographer located in the Edmonton Area.  What kind of commercial photography or video shoot have you got in mind?  Use the form on the right to let him know!  The sky is the limit. Don Hammond Photography Ltd is locally owned and operated.


Don Hammond Photography Ltd. Commercial Photography

© 2023

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